Monday, March 26, 2007

A Blog about a boy and his mother


This space is dedicated to recording the doings of one young Parker George Milligan, age 3.5 and the musings of his curious, caring, sometimes neurotic, often angst ridden mother, age 33.5. Posts will largely involve exploring our passions which include food, Dr. Seuss, the environment, yoga, writing, music, pop culture and the general fascination and wonder life provides. And of course, there will be pictures and videos aplenty!


azizah lisa said...

my adorable nephew. thanks for the pic of PARKER G. Wonderful idea of putting down thoughts, experiences, pics, etc. of the beautiful mother/son relationship. There's power in anything celebrating the beauty of family. Keep doing what you do. You do it well.

jenwarr said...

Emanuel and I luv it. Parker is such a Franklin, lol. Look forward to much more.
Luv u guys