Wednesday, March 28, 2007

bye, bye winter

I, for one, don’t mind that winter is over, but Parker sure does. Here he is enjoying the last of the snow from a blizzard we had last week. Even though it’s much warmer now, it’s taken forever for all the snow and ice we had to melt. Strangely, just two days before the blizzard, it was 70 degrees and we went to the park and ate ice cream cones. ?!?!?!

Parker, may have been the only one in town to be excited about winter’s unwillingness to go down without a fight. “It’s snowing,” he screamed, jumping up and down while I looked for his mittens. He could not have been happier to go outside and ‘help’ his dad shovel the snow from the steps.

I’m not sure how it happened-he certainly didn’t inherit it from my share of the gene pool- but this kid loves snow! Maybe every kid does. But his love seems to extend beyond the initial excitement and novelty of watching it fall from the sky. Every day that he wakes up and sees it, it’s as if he’d never seen it before. “There’s snow outside,” he’s yelled every morning for the entire week we’ve been waiting and hoping it would melt already.

And this year, he’s developed a strange fascination with winter sports. I really don’t know where that comes from. God help him if he likes any sports actually, since his parents are pretty clueless about most, unless you count yoga.

Anyway, he’s asked to go ice skating and skiing more times this winter than I’m comfortable remembering. We didn’t get around to trying either and I feel a little guilty about that. But something tells me we’ll definitely be skating and skiing next year.

Pic that Parker wanted to take 'BACKWARDS'.

1 comment:

King Benjamin said...

Funny I was just thinkin' bout ya the other day. I've got to do the same thing with my kids and a blog. You know Parker could stand in a line with all 4 of my kids and totally not look out of place. Is kid swapping illegal, or does that fall under it takes a village to raise a child? My new slogan is "it takes a village to raise an idiot." That's what I pull out whenever people complain about Bush. Anyway check out my latest short, Reality TV at
and my feature film The Playpen will be coming out the back of a trunk near you this summer 07!
