Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Parker is Artist of the Week

I was so stoked to see what Parker had created for his moment in the art room sun. Every week his art teacher chooses a different student's work to display. This week it's Parker's turn. Regarder le chef-d'oeuvre:

The words in the pic are kind of small, so here's what it says:

Artist: Parker
Title: A Bulldozer
Summary: The bulldozer has a digger and it goes inside holes. And it digs the hole. And it has a dumper too. And I drew Muck.
Media: Tempera Paint on White Construction Paper

The summary is in the artist's own words (in case you couldn't tell). And for the unitiated, Muck is of Bob the Builder fame; Bob the Builder being Parker's yearlong obsession.

It's funny, for a long time he wasn't at all interested in painting, coloring or drawing. I'd bought him a ton of art supplies and an easel thinking we'd paint together. Or better yet, that he would entertain himself painting while I cooked dinner, or washed the dishes. But everytime I'd say, let's paint; he would most always decline and run off to play with Bob the Builder.

So I'm rather happy with this development. I don't think he'll give up Bob anytime soon but at least his obsession seems to be taking on more creative channels. Now, if only I could apply some creativity to my efforts not to hate Bob, we'll be in business. ;->

ps. Here's a second pic, taken at Parker's insistence that he wanted to take one with his hat 'DOWN'.


Shawna said...

Cute Parker! Keep up the good work! i hope you can meet Lance real soon! he loves art as well. Maybe you two can collaborate and fine tune your talents and mirror Pablo Picasso! Hope to see you all soon!

Love Shawna Tate-Gilmore

Simone said...

Great story. My little love never ceases to amaze me. He is so talented and smart. This is all due to the foundation his parents have established for him. Are you sure you don’t want another one?

Love Auntie Sim